衡水金卷 2024届高三年级1月份大联考(新教材)英语

衡水金卷 2024届高三年级1月份大联考(新教材)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于衡水金卷 2024届高三年级1月份大联考(新教材)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


衡水金卷 2024届高三年级1月份大联考(新教材)英语试卷答案


衡水金卷 2024届高三年级1月份大联考(新教材)英语

A. Favorable. B.Unconcerned. C. Disapproving.12.What will Nora probably do?A.Have a vote with her family.B. Ignore Zen's opinion.C. Communicate with Zen.

衡水金卷 2024届高三年级1月份大联考(新教材)英语

25.Who first led Lucy to the musical path?A.Her teacher.B.Her mother.C.Her friend. D.Her father.

衡水金卷 2024届高三年级1月份大联考(新教材)英语

12.What does the new study mainly show us?A.The best way to run. B.The best time to run.C.The importance of running.D.The popularity of running.

衡水金卷 2024届高三年级1月份大联考(新教材)英语

24. How does Chen Guanghui communicate with black-necked cranesB. By imitating chirrpss of birds.A. By singing folk songs. D. By blowing special whistles.C. By making hand gestures.25. What do the underlined words a mission in paragraph 2 refer to? D

16.Why did Kevin choose his job?A.He was interested in the ocean system.B.He was fond of clean seawaterC.He wanted to catch more fish.

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