衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案调研卷 六英语

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衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案调研卷 六英语试卷答案


衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案调研卷 六英语

34. What did Albright and Huy bers's research find?A.Turner's and Monet's painting styles were familiar to people.B. There were differences in Turner's and Monet's painting styles.C. The industrial revolution in France started more slowly accordinglyD. The paintings of Turner and Monet were closely linked to air pollution.

衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案调研卷 六英语

34. What does Paragraph 3 mainly tell us?A. How an air fryer works.B.vB. Who likes to use air fryers.C.Why air fryers take less time to cook.D.What is the main purpose of using air fryers.

衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案调研卷 六英语

5.What did the man think of the garden?A.It was beautiful.B.It was crowded C.It was inspiring.

衡水金卷2024版先享卷答案调研卷 六英语

6. How does the woman feel about the sales in Europe?A. Worried.B. Satisfied. C.Surprised.

19.What did the speaker like to do in the afternoon in England?A.Have a cup, of tea.B.Watch comedy shows.C.Play with his friends.

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