上进联考 上饶市2024届高三六校第一次联合考试英语

上进联考 上饶市2024届高三六校第一次联合考试英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于上进联考 上饶市2024届高三六校第一次联合考试英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


上进联考 上饶市2024届高三六校第一次联合考试英语试卷答案


上进联考 上饶市2024届高三六校第一次联合考试英语

13.What is the main topic of the conversation?A.Time management.____B.The choice of subjects.C. The plan of some projects

上进联考 上饶市2024届高三六校第一次联合考试英语

答案是C。1.When did the musical festival start?A.At 7:45 p. m. B.At 8:15 p.m. C.At8:45p.m.

上进联考 上饶市2024届高三六校第一次联合考试英语

35.What's the best title for the text?A.To Exercise or NotB.How to Keep HealthyC.Ways to Make Your Brain Work BetterD.Moderate Intensity Exercise Keeps Your Brain Younger

上进联考 上饶市2024届高三六校第一次联合考试英语

My husband refused to give up and found a doctor in Boston who said she was confident thatshe could remove the entire tumor(肿瘤) .Unluckily, our insurance(保险) company wouldn’tpay for it. The hospital offered to charge less for the treatment, but we still needed S 39.000Years of cancer treatment for my husband and me had spent almost all our money. We had noway to find that 39, 0000.We decided to hold a fundraiser. The day of the event was cold, icy and windy, and yetpeople poured into the school and bought things that covered all the cafeteria tables. Ourcountry to wm of only 1.000 people raised more than S 45.000! They sent the payment to tb ospital and had enough left over to send my husband and me along for Holden’s treatment. Itwas an impossible task made possible by a small amount of people banding together in smaltown America.Holden has been cancer free for two years now. Heears now. He works on the farm and plays footballa his high school. He is very proud to be a blg donor(捐赠者) and car res his donor careverywhere.24. Why did the author's family move to her hometown?B. To save living costs.25. What can we iinfo4650m Paragraph 3?A. To get better environment.o receive better treatment.D. To get help from parents.CA. Jack didn’t payay e nouugh money.

29. The classroom is big enoughh ____(studentsB. for the momentC. in a momentD.on the moment

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