山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(四)4英语

山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(四)4英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(四)4英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(四)4英语试卷答案


山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(四)4英语

30.What is likely to happen next year?A.More baby whales can be seen in Virginia's coast.B.The birth rate may grow sharply.C. 31 calves will be born.D.The birthing season will be earlier.

山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(四)4英语

1.What is Susan probably doing?A.Doing her homework.B.Doing some shopping.C.Looking for something.

山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(四)4英语

20.What did the campers mainly talk about in the sharing session?A.Their plans for the future.B.Their favorite camping part.C.Their impression of the campsite.

山西省2024年中考总复习专题训练 SHX(四)4英语

34.What is the author’s attitude towards the future development of EVs?A. Worried. B.Positive. C. Doubtful.D.Uncertain.

V.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的AB、C.D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。AGrade 7. Now let me 32 something about two of my classmatesHello, boys and girls!Myname is Bill Reed student of thirteen. Im in Class 3.es.Jim Green is my classmate. His 33 name is Jim and Green is h is family name. He's fromNew York, 34. He's fourteen. He studies (学习)) Engi ish35. Now he can spell 36 2.500 English words(单词) .Ben Miller is my classmate, too. He and I are both (两个都) 37 . He’s a boy student, tooHis favorite(最喜欢的) color is 38 . His watch is blue and his computer is blue, too.They're good classmates and good friends of 39 , too. At school, they always 40with my English. And wee always do some sports at her scbool every day.31.A. sisteter B. brother C.girlD.boy32.A. sayB.seeC.fin D.spell33.A. nextB.firsC. middleD.last34, A.EnglandB.Am xicca c.ChinD.Cam ada35.A. nowB.tooC. wellD.here36.A. abB. withC.onD.in37.A. ckB.thi rteC.four teeD.fi ftee38.A. blueB. yelloC..rededD.greer39.A. hisB. youC. mineD.the40. A. mee B.hel C. thank D.likBHello, my name is Dora. I'm 13. Af my 41 like shopping(购物) ,shopping habits are n’t the same.My brother S am is a sports lover. He likes to 42 br and monopolized(品牌专卖) stores to buy sports things. The brand monopolized stores 43 good things butthe prices are“good, too.Daisy is my sister. She like s to buy 44 in the shopping mall (商场) with me. There anmany clothes stores in the shopping mall. And those stores have big 45 on red days. So we cabuy nice clothes 46 good prices then. We like to shop first and the n 47 some great food in theshopping mall. We think it's very 48.My parents like to shop online (网上的) . They don't have much tim g and theycan buy many things in a 49 time onlinene.What about your shopping 50 ? Could you let me know about them?n?41.A. friends B.familyly C.class ma D.class42. A. go toB. cometo on43.A. buyB. wantC.l oakC. go ouD.comeD.sell44.A. foodB.fruitC.clotheD.book45. A. game B. saleC.namesD.num t46. A. atB. inC. forD.of47. A. thinkB. meeeetC. eatD.help4.A. boring B. tidyC. relax iD.difficul49. A. longB.rightC. samD.shortC.50. A. name B. habitsC. phat os D.quest

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