贵州天之王教育 2024年贵州新高考高端精品模拟信息卷(六)6英语

贵州天之王教育 2024年贵州新高考高端精品模拟信息卷(六)6英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于贵州天之王教育 2024年贵州新高考高端精品模拟信息卷(六)6英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


贵州天之王教育 2024年贵州新高考高端精品模拟信息卷(六)6英语试卷答案


贵州天之王教育 2024年贵州新高考高端精品模拟信息卷(六)6英语

27.Which of the following best describes Kari k 6?A.Talented and disciplined.C. Ambitious and cooperative.B.Intelligent and modest.D. Strong-willed and responsible.D

贵州天之王教育 2024年贵州新高考高端精品模拟信息卷(六)6英语

H. A. case B.tone C.air D.status15. A. sat down B.calmed downC.broke downD.slowed down. A.shock B.coma fort C.delight D.terror47 A.restless B.helpless C.an nov ed D.scared18.A.took off B.showed off C.kept off D.raced off9. A.bored B.upset C.patient D.thrilled50.A.devoted B.grateful C.sympatheticD.committed51.A.showB.walkC.sale D.tour52. A.injured B.killed C.lost D.trapped53. A.with care B.with joy C.in astonishmentD.in terror54. A.fellow B.owner C.friend D.mother55.A.judge B.expect C.tease D.observe

贵州天之王教育 2024年贵州新高考高端精品模拟信息卷(六)6英语

33.Why are people worried?A.There are too many bies around them.B.Chances are that bu lies can attack people.C.Bullies are too gente for owners to raise.D.The owners are to cray about their pets.

贵州天之王教育 2024年贵州新高考高端精品模拟信息卷(六)6英语

.What was Nikola Teela’s possibl a purpose in inventing the remote controlA.To control TV sets. B.To operate various equipment.C.To sell it to the army. D. To raise money for a garden.

23.Who is the passage intended for?A. People fascinated by wildlife conservation. CB. Individuals seeking a relaxing travel experie hce.C. People with enthusiasm for travel and volunteering.D. Individuals interested in African cultures and tradition

上一篇:【精品】衡中同卷 2023-2024学年度下学期高三年级一调考试思想政治
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