衡水金卷2024版先享卷 调研卷答案新高考卷二英语

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衡水金卷2024版先享卷 调研卷答案新高考卷二英语试卷答案


衡水金卷2024版先享卷 调研卷答案新高考卷二英语

2.What are the speakers talking about?A.A travel plan. B.A job opportunity. C.A big company.

衡水金卷2024版先享卷 调研卷答案新高考卷二英语

C42. The broken furniture was taken back on ____B. December 18thA. December 20thDecember 2ls D.January 15th

衡水金卷2024版先享卷 调研卷答案新高考卷二英语

61.What is difficult for the owner of the restaurant?A.He didn't have enough money.B.He was too old to open it.C.It'shard to find qualified twins.D.The food was bad in the restaurant.

衡水金卷2024版先享卷 调研卷答案新高考卷二英语

B How m ch will the man len worn an?A. 3 dollars. B. 5 dollars. C. 8 dollars.A12. What will the weather probab lly be like tomorrow?A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Windy.133.What did the woman do during the SpringFesti val?AA. She me t old friends.B.She just stayed at home.C.She had a trip with her family.C Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the classroom.B. In the dormitory.alkC. In the canteen.B5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Ant arctic waters.B. Antarctic animals. C.Antarctic environment.

3.What does the man say about the program?A. It has his favorite music.B.It's not suitable for him.C.Children a t his ge love it.4.What happened to the man at the beach?A.He dived into the se a.B.A guard saved him.C.He almost drowned.

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