





4.What is the most likely reason for the woman to book the conference room?A.For an urgent meeting.B.For a business party.C.For a retirement party5..How does the man sound?


12.What does the woman probably do on her birthdays?A.Go to a fancy restaurant.B.Get herself some gifts.C.Take a day off.


20.Why did the police want to catch the driver?A. They misunderstood him.B. They though t he stole the dog.C. They got a call for help from the woman.第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)


le termined to succeed, no matter what 43 came her way.It was n’t long before Kayla s determination was put to the 44. In her first week ofchool, she was assigned(分派) a(n) 45 project that required a lot of research andlanning. Kayla did her 46 , but she soon realized that she was in over her head. As shet rugg led(努力) to complete the project, Kayla began to 47 herself. She wondered if shey as cut out for high school. But then, something 48 happenedd.Kayla's classmates began to notice how 49 she was working, and they started to offerjer help and 50. They gave her advice on how to 51 her time better, and they sharedassignments. With their help, Kayla was able to complete the project oni me and with great 53From that day on, Kayla 54 that high school was not a challenge ted alone.Vith the help and support of her 55 , she was able to deal with any difficulty that camejer way.1. A.feared B.loved C.missed D.forgot2.A. bored B.excited C.worried D.interested3.A.dangers B.honours C.reasons D.difficulties4.A. test B.side C.trouble D.use5.A.simple B.challenging C.suitable D.amazing6.A.part B.share C.best D.duty7. A. teach B.doubt C.enjoy D.believe8.A. great B.strange C. confusing D.secret9.A. fast B.bravely C.hard D.fluently0. A. flash B.news C.service D.support. A. manage B.find C.fill D.waste2.A. thinking aboutB.getting throughC.giving up D.asking for

22.Who is most likely to be a writer?A.Lucy, who can work all the week.B.Betty, who has no previous experience.C.Peter, who once worked as a news reporter.D.Fl and, who is handsome with a height of 190 cm.
