





66.Colin, who speaks fluent German, is quite s for the job.________67.A number of high buildings have been built where was nothing but r (废墟) ayear ago.68.Having made full preparations, he went on to the stage (自信地) and played the____piano well.69.I'll keep trying and never give up because I believe f is the mother of success.________of Peru.70.Spain took control of Peru in the 16 century, so Spanish is the main o language____71.Don't (比较) yourself with others because everyone is unique.____72.What you said just now c me. Can you say all that again?73.Plants produce air for humans to b and food to eat.____74.We should (缩小) down the difference between town and countryside.____75.Barbara is easy to r as she's the only one of the women who wears evening dress.____76.His devotion to the work earned him respect and (钦佩) .________77.Ambulance took the i to a nearby hospital after the accident.78.Happiness and success often come to those who are good at realizing their own (优点) .____


1.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分;满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。ADuringngt mer vacation, a 15-year-old boy made a model 31 on his own inless than a month. The n he 32 it successfully, and it made all the people aroundthhim surprised.Thee boy named Li Bang hua is from Hefei. He made the plane all by himself. Li becamemodinterested in model planes 33 he was a child. Besides, he has ben 34estteedplanes for years. This time the model plane is the largest one he has ever made.When making the model plane, he 35 many difficulties.“The 36 difficulty____I met was that the adults(成年人) didn't understand(理解) me well, ” Li said.“WhenI said I was going to make a model plane, a lot of adults thought it was 37. But I38 to keep on working hard. Because once I start something, I will not give up(放弃)39.”wWhen talking about his 40, he said he dreamed of becoming a plane engineer. Ihope his dream can come true.( ) 31.A.rocket B.machine C.planet D.plane( ) 32.A.celebrate B.flew C.lose D.cook( ) 33.A.when B.after C.if D.than( ) 34.A.filling B.planting C.studying D.polluting( ) 35.A.climbed B.called C.ate D.met( ) 36.A.biggest B.shortest C.longest D.cheapest( ) 37.A.serious B.physica C.impossible D.educational( ) 38.A.reached B.disagreed C.helped D.decided( ) 39.A.clearly B.easily C.carefully D.truly( ) 40.A.future B.paper C.medicine D.university


np any. B. A supermarket. C.The airport2.Where does the conversation take place?A. In a lab.B. In a library. C. In a classroom.


( ) 14.Wher c rs We i Hua often watch game shows?.her friend's home.B. her classmate's home.C.At her aunt's home.

A. Panic.34.What can be inferred from paragraph 4?A.Social interaction will decrease among drivers.B. Most people don't advocate self driving technology.C. A car can convey information to another immediately.C.D.A heere’s a long way to go before interaction among vehicles.re's
