高三总复习 2024届名师原创模拟(十一)11英语

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高三总复习 2024届名师原创模拟(十一)11英语试卷答案


高三总复习 2024届名师原创模拟(十一)11英语

33. Which kind of cuteness is most likely to be the online pet content?A.A normal-sized dog is eating bones.B.A white cat is quietly lying next to its owner.C.A monkey is attentively taking care of its baby.D.A parrot dressed in a suit is singing and dancing.

高三总复习 2024届名师原创模拟(十一)11英语

C27.What does the author mainly want to convey in the last paragraph?A. Adversity is a good discipline.B. It is urgent to protect wildlife.C. Different species can coexist in harmony.D. Human intervention poses a threat to whales.

高三总复习 2024届名师原创模拟(十一)11英语

C 4. What are the speakers talking aboutA.What to eat for lunch.B.When to have lunch. C. Whether to eat out.

高三总复习 2024届名师原创模拟(十一)11英语

23. What should you do if you want to attend September OpenOpen Day ?A. Ask college staff's permission.B. Make an appointment in may.C.Register after July Open Days.D. Sign up for it in Student Newsletter.

A.A website. B.A company. D.A travel agent.C.A hotel.BTime and again, research has proven the incredible power of education to break poverty cycles andeconomically empower individuals from the most remote areas.Research at UNESCO has shown that world poverty would be more than halved if all adults completedsecondary school.And if all students in low-income countries had just basic reading skills, almost 171 millionpeople could escape extreme poverty.With such undeniable evidence, how do we continue to see education underfunded globally? Funding foreducation as a share of national income has not changed significantly over the last decade for many developingcountries.And to exacerbate that, the COVID-19 shock pushed the level of learning poverty to about 70percent.I have devoted the past decade of my life to fighting educational inequality, a journey that began duringmy school years. This commitment led to the creation of Z Notes, an educational platform developed forstudents, by students.Z Notes was born out of the problem I witnessed first-hand; the inequities in end-of-school examination in some countries, which significantly influence access to higher education and career op-portunities. It is designed as a platform where students can share their notes and access top-quality educational

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