九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考W答案英语

九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考W答案英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考W答案英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考W答案英语试卷答案


九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考W答案英语

29. According to Ian To one, what might account for the phenomenon?A.Different characters and personalities.B.Different attitudes to learning.C.Different ways of raising children.D.Different methods in exams.

九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考W答案英语

15. What will the man do in his next travel?A. Tur to the local people for help.B. Organize the trip with his friends.C. Book the tickets by himself online.16. Why does the woman dislike a package tour? AC. It is more expensive.

九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考W答案英语

5.What does the man say about Jack?A.He's responsible.B.He's humorous. $$C . H e ^ { ' }$$s serious.

九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考W答案英语

Ⅳ.信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。Sue and Helen's weekendIn the morningThey went 16.Then they had some 177together.In the afternoonThey had fun having 18 dance.In the eveningThey watched a comedy and19a lot.How They thought it was a220 day.

( ) 21. As water is very important for us, we should stop people from ____theriver.A. pollutingC.filling D.crossing____B.using

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