九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考S答案英语

九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考S答案英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考S答案英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考S答案英语试卷答案


九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考S答案英语

35.What is the best title for the text?A.Why the U.S.Is Left Behind in AcademicsB.How the U.S.Society Has Been ChangedC.The Longest Vacation Needs to Be ChangedD.The U.S.Should Switch to Year-round Schooling

九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考S答案英语

根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填人一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。________A: Hi, Anna! 76. ?ah out theB: I watched a TV program last night. It was about the future.____A:Oh. 77.____?B: Yes, they will. People will have many robots in the future.B:78.A: will children go to school?________uh They wi stdy at home oncomputers.________?:79. u z looda km uao____?B: They will go to work or travel by flying rockets.A:80.bB: They will go to the moon on vacation.: Really? Sounds great.____

九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考S答案英语

20.What does the speaker mainly talk about?A.Courses the students should complete.B.Instructions the students should follow.C.Experiments the students should do.

九师联盟 2024届高三2月开学考S答案英语

24. My mother likes the purple trousers, so she wants to buy ____forrme.A. it them D.oneB.ones

DB 0. What makes The Giving Tree popular?A.The comments kids gave.B. The writing style.C. The pictures in it.D. Different ways to understand it.

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