





In the zoo, I can see tigers, elephants, monkeys, pandas, 33, snakes and many otheranimals. Some animals are very nice, but some are not. Tigers, bears and.snakes are 4. That'swhy they have to stay in cages (笼子) . But I d on't 3: it's good.for animals. They shoold be free(自由的) . The animals in cages can't be 36 .I think the most interesting 3 in the zoo are the dolphins. I like watching them swim andjump. The y swim so 38 and jump so high. They can play with a ball. They can stand up and39 on water!They're very nice to people. If you fall into (掉进) water and cant 40. they maycome to help you.( ) 31.A.park B.library C.zoo D.hotel( ) 32.A.read B.start C.wash D.see( ) 33.A.ships B.bears C.drivers D.sports( ) 34.A.dangerous. B.cute C.interesting D.old


As winter comes, hands can easily get cold. Thick gloves might be a good 31wearing them is not co venient, especially when people want to do something with their 32However, cold hands were not a problem for ancient Chinese. The y had a lovely tool to 33 theirhands warm - hand-warmers.There is no record of this 34, buts34 but there are some stories about it. One folk story is aboutEmperor Yang from the Sui Dynasty. When he visited Jiangsu in winter, it was so 35that the localthatofficers asked workers to make a small warmer for the emperor. And they hoped the warmer could be heldin his hands. And then, the hand-wamer was 36 By the Song Dynasty, the to ol was 37 usedin China. kills for producing the tool were greatly improved in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Many books from the ing Dynasty 38 people using hand-warmers. Take the Dream of the edChamber, the classic novel write by Cao Xue in, as an example. In the eighth chapter (章) , itdescribed, the servant, named Xue yan, was asked to 39 a h and-warmer to Lin Da i yu.The an cint hand-warmers were made of bronze (铜) or cera ics (陶瓷) . And they had differentshapes. And the most 40 shape of all is the round one. There were even the shape of pumpkins andflowers.( ) 31. A. trade B.race C. choice D.rule( ) 32. A. hands B.ears C.legs D.eyes( ) 33.A.show B.break C.beat D. keep( ) 34.A. direction B.cave C. invention D.cup( ) 35.A. cloudy B.cold C.warm D.hot( ) 36.A. discussed B.locked C.founded D.created( ) 37.A.sadly B.widely C. recently D.bravely( ) 38.A. treated B.shone C.missed D.recorded( ) 39.A. send B.sell C.shut D.attend


help boost your self-confidence. Easy ways to start include taking a break when you’reoverwhelmed(不堪重负的) , wearing your favorite outfit, or doing something you love.Act as if you feel confident.B Your self-confidence starts to rise.C. It's a necessary part of being human.D. Hower, it is something that everyone can do!Think positively about yourself and your skills.F.Actually, it's hard to feel good about yourself if you overuse your health.So focus on creating healthier relationships with the positive people in your life.


20. What program will be broadcast at 10:00 on Radio Four?A.News. B.A discussion. C.An investigation.

35. What is the best title for the text?A. A Major Crisis of Environmental PollutionB. A Disadvantage of Carbon Capture and StorageC. The Development of a Company Called Carbon QuestD. Carbon Capture Technology for Tall Buildings in New York City
