





18.What did the woman try to do?allo qq kaA.Spread a true story.B.Find out the truth.on tia99tC.Make up for her wrong speech.


A.Study in the library.15.When will the speakers meet?A.At 8:20. B.At 8:30.C.At the cinema.


In an era with no television or the Interner.the evenings were spent 44 themagazine. By the time I became literate, there was a cupboard full of Reader’s Digest 45by me, which my father bought for me. With its 46, my knowledge was gathered too. Atfirst, it was the real stories that were most 47 for me, where I learned some life lessons.I read through them all over my school holidays. One thing I learned from Reader'sDigest is how to reverse(倒车) a car, which still benefits me today . I 48 reading a smallpiece of news about the tips on 49 a car upto a space in a short time, and to date, I canmake it with the 50 effort and the most relaxed mind than most people.I’ve 51 had to spend much time getting trained how to reverse a car fast. Every timeI need to do it in one 52 step, I thought of the textual 53 and the vid diagram fromthe Reader’s Digest. Who would have thought Reader's Digest could be a“54 ”? I hopethat the next generations will continue to enjoy reading and gain something 55 like me.A1. A. essential B. awkward C.challenging D.legalC42. A. left B.ran C.spotted D.visited43. A.given away B.set aside C. subscribed to D.stored upC444. A. copying B. booking C. reading D.printing4545. A. collected B.designed C.assessed D.purchased46. A. publication B.transformation C. increase D. display7. A. difficult B. instructive C. tiresome D. traditional8.A. admit B.postpone C.propose D.remember39. A. backing B.picking C.giving D. counting0. A. latest B.slightest C. biggest D.craziest511. A. never B. indeed C.occasionally D.usually


4.Why does the girl feel worried?A. She failed the exam.B. She didnt achieve her goal.C. Her mother will punish her.

19. Where does the speaker recommend making bookings?A.. On the Internet. B. In the ticket office.C. At the entrance gate.
