





A. Salesgirl and customer.B.Passenger and driver. C.w nd husband4.Where does the conversatio m probably take place?A. In a bank B.In a department store.C. In a ticket office.5.When did the fire probably break out?


Hiking the Long ji Rice Terraces(梯田) in southern China is something I would recommend foreveryone to add to their bucket list. The name 56 (literal) means“Dragon's Backbone”due to________the fact that the rice terraces look just like a dragon's scales, while the mountain's summit 57________(resemble) the backbone.During my visit to Guilin, I decided to set out on a three-day hike through the famous Long ji RiceTerraces. Known as the“Dragon's Backbone”, the terraces were a spectacular sight as they stretchedacross the green hills in complicated 58 (pattern) looking like ripples of water.____The hike 59 (take) me through small villages set against the beautiful landscape. Local____farmers were busy tending to the terraced rice fields that had been farmed for over 1, 000 years. Along thepaths, I passed orange groves and met friendly local s 60 offered me fresh lychees.____At night, I stayed in simple homestays run by farming families. Over multi course meals 61____(feature) local specialties like sticky rice, I learned 62 (much) about the terraces and village life.________The feeling of community spirit and connection to the natural environment was unique.Reaching the hike'send after three full days, I felt a profound 63 (appreciate) for these________ancient agricultural wonders carefully built into the landscape 64 generations of families. The____Dragon's Backbone terraces provided me with unforgettable mountain view s 65 cultural____


13.What was Tony's parents'attitude toward his decision at first?A.Understanding. B.Ambiguous. C.Disapproving.


t25. According to paragraph 3, what is not true about Gu Ji a's life??A. Ambitious and goal-driven.C. Aimless and impulsive.B. Moderate and content.D. Visionary and independent.A. She has her own worries and insecurities.B. She leads a seemingly perfect and enviable life.C. She can be greedy and insensitive to others’ feelings.D. She is discontented with life because of her husband.he is

) 51.What ball game does Tony like?A. Soccer. B. Volleyball. C.Basketball. D. Ping-pong.
