非凡吉创 2024届新高中创新联盟TOP二十名校高一年级2月调研考试(241468D)英语

非凡吉创 2024届新高中创新联盟TOP二十名校高一年级2月调研考试(241468D)英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于非凡吉创 2024届新高中创新联盟TOP二十名校高一年级2月调研考试(241468D)英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


非凡吉创 2024届新高中创新联盟TOP二十名校高一年级2月调研考试(241468D)英语试卷答案


非凡吉创 2024届新高中创新联盟TOP二十名校高一年级2月调研考试(241468D)英语

C. Images from the Al-genera toor were difficult to distinguish from real images.D. Researchers employed A I algorithms to create a more complex background.34. What’s AbdAl magee d's attitude towards the future of A I detectors?D.Objective.

非凡吉创 2024届新高中创新联盟TOP二十名校高一年级2月调研考试(241468D)英语

( ) 11. Where did Lin Li go on his vacation?A. To Guangzhou. B. To Chengdu. C.To Yunnan.

非凡吉创 2024届新高中创新联盟TOP二十名校高一年级2月调研考试(241468D)英语

8.What will the man probably do next?A. Design a website. B. Go to a gift shop. C. Visit a local artist.

非凡吉创 2024届新高中创新联盟TOP二十名校高一年级2月调研考试(241468D)英语

33.What does Anderson say about drone-based es searches in paragraph 2?A.Their efficiency. B.Their concept.C.Their barriers. D.Their causes.

26.What does the underlined word “hooked” in the last paragraph mean?A.Addicted. B.Satisfied. C.Bored. D.Disappointed.

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