





73.This means putting appropriate controls in place to make sure that genome editing will —____________74.How would they be punished if they or even murdered humans?________75.We need to make sure that we will not ________. AI.____


30. How was the author at work today?A. She was in poor condition B. She went well with her work.C. She felt embarrassed and helpless.D.She was laughed at by others.


15. -Do you knowA.Why C.When D.How-Yes. It was invented in 1895.A. where the machine was inventedB. when the machine was inventedC.why the machine was inventedD. how the machine was invented


were to o busy to 44 her. She kept 45 to the middle of the road. When I tried to46 movc her back further away from the road, she said that she had dropped her house keyin the middle of the road.IknewIwas getting 47 but determined to help.It was the worst time of the day to cross a busy road without a traffic 48 .I cautiously49onto the ad waving my hands des per at aly and a most expecting to be 50 by anongoing vehicle.At first, one lane 51 and then I moved further on.Just then a school buswas drawing near and I boldly stepped in front of it to stop it.My experience had been thatschool bus drivers were always 52 of reckless(不顾后果的) pedestrians like me. Theschool bus stopped exactly 53 the spot where the key had fallen. I quickly picked up thekey and ran back.Although the bus driver sounded the horn violently at my recklessness, theschool children who were watching my actions 54 a cheer and clapped.The old lady embraced me warmly as I gave back the key. I hope the school children woulddo the same when their 55 comes in life, but safety comes first.41.A.blank B.preoccupied C.active D.affected42.A.chaotic B.smooth C.orderly D.long43.A.approached B.called C.grabbed D.whispered44.A.peer at B.glare at C.take care of D.take note of45.A.pointing B.heading C.waving D.turning46.A.comfort ably B.deliberately C.seriously D.gently47.A.distributed B.delayed C.supervised D.scolded48.A.jam B.board C.light D.sign49.A.stepped B.skipped C.dashed D.stamped50.A.attacked B.crashed C.hit D.shot51.A.missed B.stopped C.changed D.inched52.A.considerableB.controversialC.considerate D.conventional53.A.above B.to C.opposite D.for54.A.let of l B.let out C.jumped at D.jumped to55.A.business B.fortune C.help D.turn

21.Why do N uw an and the bear become friends?A.They live in the same place.B.They have to solve a mystery.C.The bear was comforted by Nu wan.D.The bear saved Nu wan from the thieves.22.What makes Pax separate from Peter?
