





15.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates. B.Co-workers.C.Teacher and student.


听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.Where does this conversation take place?CA. In an office.B. On thehe phone.C.At a bank.


35.How does the author viewch ldr ertheA. They’ll make children’s life full of fun.B.They re set to rC.They call forset to reduce childhood obesity.fullD.Theywork best with kids ngovernment’s joined efforts.


第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Nny in, know n as a“living fossil(化石) ”of music in Chinese history, 56. (date) back to the____Hah Dyma sty (206 BC-220 AD) after people from ancient China's Central Plains region brought their musicto u an zhou, Fujian province, 57. later gradually combined with the local music.____58. (feature) a s low, gentle and elegant melody(旋律) , the performance of n any in is usually____given by a group of five 59. (play) . Positioned in the middle is the singer, who also plays thegve ____wooden clapper 60. (keep) the beat. Usually, on the left are two musicians playing the“dong xiao”____and the “er xian”61.(respective) while the two on the right playing the“pipa”and the “san xian”.____As for the unique singing style and its extraordinary artistic value, n any in 62.____(li ) as anintangible cultural heritage of humanity(非物质文化遗产) by UNESCO in 2009.To aid in passing down thisheritage, schools in Quanzhou 63. go it e(make) n any in a____course in kindergarten and primary school____already.“64. it is well-inherited, half of Fujian culture can be preserved. We sincerely hope thatmore teenagers can join us 65. breathing new life into this traditional culture, ”said an inheritor(____承者) of n any in in Quanzhou. b lar a nilo yo g

27.Where is the text probably taken from?A.A biography of Anthony Wood.B.An essay on climate change.C.A fiction about snow. D.A review of a book.
