





20. What is the speaker mainly talking about?A. Environment. B.In-store farms. C.Computers.

20.What will Cynthia Course introduce in the exhibition?A. Her silver jewelry.B.Her colored stones.C. Her white paper sculpture.


A. Selfish. B.Thoughtful. C. Careful.4.What should the city do according to the woman?A. Create more jobs.B.Improve the air quality.C. Close some businesses.5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?


71.水不放弃,不断努力,你就一定会成功进人决赛。Never give up, keep trying and you'llto the final of the competition

33. Why do teen smokers need more nio line to maintain the same high?D. It defends itself against nio tine effect.A.Teenagers have fewer receptors in the brain.B.Nie o tine does not rach the brain quickly enough.C. The brain er eates more receptors to handle nicotine.D.Nicotine has a greater effect on teens prefrontal cortex.
