




54. A. high-statusB.secret C.religious D.peaceful55. A. conclusionB.evidence C.respect D.solution


26.What might the author continue talking about?A. How Brenda's workshops inspire others.B. How Brenda holds fundraising eventsC.What people will join Brenda's cause.D.What donations the government offers.


5.What does the man mean?( A. He is very ful.B. He dislikes the food.C.He wants to control weight.


255.Why did Albert Mercuri reach Needham Public Schools?A.To continue his education. B.To obtain a position for his friend.C.To find out about the school.D.To help his friend realize his dream.

V.完成句子:根据所给汉语意思,用单词或短语完成下列英文句子。(共5小题,计10分)56.一个女孩正在操场上跑步。A girl is running____playrondontheplayandon thepaygroaund57.别忘了在完成写作后仔细检查。Don’t forget tocheck____learnabout____carere fully after writing the composition.58.王子涵在这次演讲比赛中获得了二等奖SecondpzeWang Zih an won the ____denieimt____iin the speech contest.59.无论遇到什么困难,都不要放弃Don’t____jire.amaygpeup____normatter what difficulties you meet.60.微信使人们之间的交流更加方便。We Chat makes it moreconrenient____for people to communicate with each other.
