




20.What is the passage mainly about?A.How much water was used.B.Ways of recycling fresh water.C.Concerns about water issues.

29.How many“clever techniques” are mentioned in the text?A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.


26. What was Hallie's initial purpose of setting up Hallie's Heroes?A.To see her favorite singer. B. To be known by others.C.To save herself. D.To help patients with DBA.


3.Which meal are the speakers preparing?A. Breakfast. B.Lunch. C. Dinner.4.Why is n’t the man going to the sale?A. It ends today. B. He must go to work.C.The weather is not cold.

25.What kind of person would choose a PT?A.A student short of budget. B.A busy workaholic.C.A green hand in exercise.D.A professional athlete.
