




18. When will the math exams be held this year?A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday.C.On Friday.

After I won my first race at five, life was about winning races. Two kids, Ray J and Gil,One day in our first NASCAR season, my teammate, Ray had to leave for home becausehis son Ray J suddenly developed cancer. He said something about 42 to miss work foreven a day.“Forget it, ”I interrupted.“Your 43 comes first."The following monthswere 44 for Ray J, chemotherapy(化疗) and long stays in the hospital. However, thestrong-willed boy had been fighting against illness.Gil was a six-year-old boy with a rare bone disease. His bones were so easy to break thata hug might 45 one of them. That day he was sitting in a wheelchair, and his legs wereatrophied(扭曲萎缩) . However, he had a big 46. For fear of breaking his bones intopieces, I didn't 47 his h and. 48, I held up my hand. He touched it and then pulledhis hand back. He smiled more brightly. He was a huge NASCAR 49. He couldn't gooutside and 50 , but watching the races and learning everything about the driversdistracted him from his 51:.Had I ever thought much about what winning 52 ? It is what I'm always aiming for.That's my job, and it's how I 53 my family. But winning is more than just crossing the54 line first. The two kids are the true 55.41.A.recognized B.achieved C.resigned D.changedD.re fued42.A.hating B.expecting C.failing D.refusing43.A.fee B.choice C.family D.attitude44.A.necessary B.difficult C.absurd D.forgettable45. A. damage B.cureC.change D.strengthen46. A. sound B.goal C. faceD.smileir47.A. examine B.out stretch C.move D.shake48.A. Instead B.Generally C.Obviously D.Furthermore49.A.fan B.expert C.competit or D.developer50.A.hold on B.run around C.give up D.breakthrough51.A.debtB.taskC.optimism D.pain52.A.meant B.brought C.applied D.needed53.A.love B.manage C.support D.encourage


( ) 42.What is TRUE about the party?A.It'son Sunday. B.Tom wants to meet Jenny.C.People will not bring things. D.It'sat Lisa's home.


35. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. The Importance of Living a Healthy LifestyleB.Are You Suffering from Wellness Tiredness?C.The Benefits of Mindfulness in the Wellness IndustryD.What is the Real Meaning of Wellness Obsession?

3.What will the speakers do next?A.Rest at home. B.Have some coffee.C.Do more shopping.4.What will the woman most probably give to Kathy?A.A scarf.B.A hand-madebag.AC.A box of chocolates.
