




16. What kind of position does the man get?A.Customer service.B.Technical support.C.Management position.


( ) 24.-Did you watch the famous TV show?-Yes. It's excellent and many people think of it.____A. loudly B. clearly C.highly D.simply


10.What is the most important for the man?A.Family dinner.B.Shopping on a holiday.C.Inviting friends over for Thanksgiving.


第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I had to leave school at a young age because of my poor family. I decided to go back tocollege to 41 my dream at 42. Could I balance the 42 as a student, mom and wife? Imanaged to 43 enough money for my first semester though our budget was 44 . But Ihad no idea how I would pay for anything beyond that. With a step of faith, I 45.Studying with kids half my age, I had to 46 myself to learn new things. After the initialfirst weeks passed, however, a balance was 47 between my studying and living.How to make ends meet at home was still my 48 , But one day, a professor mentionedthat grant money(助学金) was 49 to students like me. So I began the application process.

6.Why does the author mention Hurricane Michael? ( )A.To express his heartfelt thanks for the rescue effort.B. To erase scientists’ doubts about these global models.C. To prove the weather forecast is timely and accurate.D. To explain the tropical system may bring heavy storm.
