




23. Which of the following groups can attend Creative Writing in the GallA. 30 tenth grade students. B. Two families of four.C. 25 college students. D. 40 high school students.

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。·使"I wish my mother had a ring like those the ladies wear at the hotel, " said Hiram Green to himselfone day Hiram was the son of a fisherman, but the fisherman had died when Hiram was a little boy.Hiram's mother took on sewing work to car money to support herself and her son. He helped her whenhe could out of school hours, and during vacation time. He had two uncles who had taught him how tocatch shrimps (虾) . With the money he earned by selling them he could buy things for his own use orpleasure. He had a bank" almost full of what he called his "shrimp money."The sight of the flashing diamonds on the hands of some of the summer visitors at the fishingvillage in which he lived had added a new article to the list of beautiful things his mother would ownsomeday. He had heard that just one single diamond was sometimes worth five hundred dollars or more.This had discouraged him very much.


35. What is the author’s understanding of age?A. Age fades by comparison with health.B. Age is not a number but a mental state.C.Age does not matter in the medical field.D.Age affects both physical and mental health.


C.Li Ming often writes emails to his friends on the computer.D.Li Ming wants to have a new computer.

Ⅵ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题.上分.满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的4、B,C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。As a crazy mov it er, I like movies that are really educational. Like Stars onEarth is one of-theThe mw vie is about a little child, who has a very31 ipess, and it is known asdyslexia(阅读障碍) . Because of that, he cannot 3 J write well. However, he is33 at drawing, but his parents always force a hum to do well in studies. Because heperformed 34 a t his studies, he used to eet pemu shed by the teacher, as well as hisparents. Luckily, one day, a new teac ber na toe d Ram Shankar Ni kumbh came to theschool, and he himself had the sameas the boy when he was little. So he tries tohelp the child develop hisin, drawing. By the end of the movie, the childbecomes a great 37 an! ts dream on drawing finally comes true.I think it is a(n) .movie. It tells us that parents should not just force the ichildren to do well in studies. They should try to develop their children's ta let becauseevery child i e rent from others. Apart from the good story, I also ike, the nusic inthe 39 ..sa good movie with the best l ndian music . 40 you have time, youcan go and watch it.( ) 31.A.lively B.strange C.impo in D.fresh( ) 32.A.sing B.read ( ·it D.dance( ) 33.A.excellentB.poor C.angry D.surprised( ) 34.A.slowly B.wisely C.badly D.certainly( ) 35.A.illness B.work C.suggestion D.period( ) 36.A.beauty B.warmth C.attention D.talent( ) 37.A.nurse B.farmer C.officer D.artist( ) 38.A.boring B.sleepy C.wonderful D.awful( ) 39.A.secret B.movie C.direction D.public( )40.A.If B.So C.Though D.Unless
