




7. What did the woman have on the plane?A.A cup of coffee. B. A sandwich. C. Nothing.

trying!Obvious y, uu s o qu.s us s naa a lot in common. I had my own bread tomy own trees to climb. I moved from one 50 to another 1olow the squirrel’s 51.Slowly but surely, he made it to the road and 52 to check for cars. Finally, the squirrelcrossed the road 53 with his meal. When he entered the bushes, I cheered, though Icould n't 54 what would wait for him and watch his next move. Then I went upstairs toget ready for the 55 before me.“Youbefore me.“You can do it, ”I t old myself.B.popular C.goodD.second41.A.similar42.A.deal withB.apply for C.depend on D.give up43.A.criedB.thought C.expected D.explained4. A. frightening B.necessary C.difficult D.dangerousA4(446.A.skillful B.thankful C.careful D.use ful45.A.experience B.survive C.change D.manage47.A.cleared B.reached C.left D.dug48.A.unfinished B.disagreeable C.incredible D.irregular9.A.carry B.protect C:package D.hideA550.A.tree B.road C.window D.squirrel1.A. move B.trial C.advice D.lead D52.A.promised B.stopped C.forgotD.pretended53.A.régularly B.anxiously C.safely D.secretly5544.A.dream B.draw C.explore D.arrange555.A.competitions. B.victories C.mistakes D.challenges第第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


3.What does the woman ask the man to do? BA. Visit her father. B. Quit smoking. C. Take care of Maria.


2.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.On the playground. B.In a store. C.In a gym.

AA. It spread widely.B. It went unnoticed.C. It documented humans requesting help.D. It recorded passive response to the rescuee.
