




35.What can be inferred from the text?A. Some virtual reality equipment is on the ship.B.All the visitors need to stay underwater to visit.C. A fire must have broken out on the ancient ship.D. There is more than one way to visit the museum.


17.阅读材料,完成下列要求。2022年中央经济工作会议将“着力扩大国内需求”作为2023年重点工作任务,提出要把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置。2023年以来,各地各部门把恢复和扩大消费摆在优先位置,大力实施扩大内需战略,采取更加有力的措施,推动消费稳定持续恢复。2023年中秋、国庆假日经济成绩亮眼:国内旅游出游8.26亿人次,实现国内旅游收入7534.3亿元,同比增长129.5%;国家级夜间文化和旅游消费集聚区平均每夜客流量5.76万人次,同比增长68.7%… 从中秋、国庆假期蓬勃兴旺的市场活力中,深切感受到中国经济持续恢复、总体回升向好的态势。据此,有人认为,坚定实施扩大内需战略就能实现国民经济良性循环。结合材料,运用《经济与社会》的知识评析该观点。


hey are also calling to r more action to ugnt agamsu suen anaddiction.E. UP Fs can be high in both, which contributes to their addictivepotential.F.Knowing the negative impact s ofUP Fs, expertsare lookingfor solutions.G. Ultra-processed foods(UP Fs) are the foods you can’tre-create in your kitchen.


9.When will the man's train leave for London?A.At9:30 am. B.At11:30 am. C.At 5:00 pm.

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The Qing ming Festival is a t ie when families gather together to sweep their ancestors tombs. It 41 on50the 104th day after the winter solstice(冬至) , and it 42on April 5 this year. The festival began over 2,v ears ago and most Chinese regard Chong er as the 43of the tomb-sweeping customs.After 19 years in exile(放逐) , Chong'er 44and became one of the most powerful kings in history. Itwas then that he 45 the few loyal ministers who had 46 him during his exile. When he forgot to rewardJie Z it ui, however, the new king was considered 47When Chong er realized his mistake, he felt very 48 and immediately asked Jie Z it ui to come to thepalace to 49 his reward. After Jie Z it ui declined, Chong'er set out to give him the reward 50.ut i e Z it ui refused to see him and ran to hide in a mountain. So Chong'er ordered his soldiers to set fire on5 sides of the mountain, while leaving the fourth one clear to 52 Jie Zitui to come out. The fire lastedfor three days but Jie Z it ui still did not show up. When Chong er's troops finally found him on the fourth day,it was too 53 : He had been killed in the fire.To 54his loyal minister, Chong'er marked the day Jie Z it ui was found as the Qing ming Festival. Healso ordered that no fire could be lit nor 55 food be consumed on this day.1. A. counts B.rains C.depends D.occurs.A. falls B.stops C.meets D. leaves3. A. follower B.founder C.king D.participant4.A. died B.apologized C.returned D.criedAA. rewardedB.killed C.excused D.forgot46.A. cheatedB.accompanied C.punished D. seen7.A. wise4.A.B.generousD.stubborn8. A.happyC.ungratefulB.annoyedD.guilty9.A. begC.excitedB. collectD. send
