





16.What's the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates. B.Student and teacher.C. Teammates.


3.What is the woman dissatisfied with about the man's speech?A.The summary. B.The arguments. C.The introduction.


.What does Tuscarora High School do to encourage more kids to play sports?A.Offer different kinds of sports.B.Arrange for more exercise time.C.Enlarge the space for ball games.D.Put a ba n on sports competitions.


B 26. What is special about Mr.Mr. ReadA. He is a good doctor.C. He is good at operations.D. People know him well.B. He often forgets things.

I'd bbeen playing the 23 for years, studying with a man named Rick from myhometown and practising 24.In those carly years, I always focused on 25 and addednew,excit 26. I'd practise my skills over and over again until theyver again until theystarted to sound 27.Thehe n one day, IIf ouound something that I didn't 28 in my musical experience be for asperforming a pic ce of music in my room-something I did quite often to 29 soloing(独奏) 。Atsome point, a wave came over me where I was n't thinking of any skills at all. Instead, I30my feelings through the music and let them be expressed through sound. The solo Iplayed sounded better than efore. This solo was my real moment of expressing myself frommy 31.rrealized for the first time that music was more than 32 connected together. Music isa channel(渠道) for 33. It is a communicator of feeling. I felt my own feelings 34 outmy guitar with a 35of me for the first time. It was pure magic. I remember sitting on the floor after it, holding21.A.getting throughof respect. I finally knew what music was all about.B.cleaning out C.reflecting on22.A.behavedD.struggling forB.expressed C.taught23.A.violinD.admiredB.guitar C.piano24.A.absolutelyD.drumB.easily C.regularly25.A.skillsD.immediatelyB.characters C.time26.A.discussionD.equipmentB.argument C.arrangement27.A.fluentD.performanceB.loud C.softD.positive28.A. damage B.demand C.describeD.notice29.A.remember B.quit C.practise D.avoid30.A.cheated B.guided C.doubtedD.dropped31.A.decision B.smile C.heart D.face32.A.notes B.styles C.goals D.topics33.A.emotion B.survival C.addiction D.language34.A.watch B.break C.drive D.flow35.A.gain B.sense C.word D.pity第一
