上进联考 2023-2024学年高三5月高考适应性大练兵联考英语

上进联考 2023-2024学年高三5月高考适应性大练兵联考英语试卷答案,我们目前收集并整理关于上进联考 2023-2024学年高三5月高考适应性大练兵联考英语得系列试题及其答案,更多试题答案请关注本网站


上进联考 2023-2024学年高三5月高考适应性大练兵联考英语试卷答案


本题你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。( ) 11.When will they go to Fun Times Zoo?A.On Sunday. B.(On Saturday. C.On Friday.

上进联考 2023-2024学年高三5月高考适应性大练兵联考英语

5 What advice does Clara give on safeA. Use noticeable boards and sailsB. Prepare life-saving equipment.Tell someone when you set off.

上进联考 2023-2024学年高三5月高考适应性大练兵联考英语

4.Why does the woman call the man?A.To look for a job.B.To ask him to put up a notice.C.To leave a message for her piano teacher.

上进联考 2023-2024学年高三5月高考适应性大练兵联考英语

34. What doe a Dia mod e xpreas in the laat paragmphtA. PTSD is a uiquely humam problemB. Blood teats help idemtily mniaals PTSiC. PTSD is a normal adaptive reap on au.D. More animals are suffering from PTSD

6.Why docs the man polo gi zo to the woman?A.He damaged her glass.B.He lost her dictionary.C.He made her desk dirty.
