





B.TThe coldness.3.What does the man suggest doing?C. The work.?AA. Eating out.B. Leaving Jack alone.

13.What are the speakers talking about?A.Howto goto Georgia.B.Howto go to the airport.C.Howto goto the countryside.


As a child, I was fascinated by the world of theater and began taking classes at the age of 7.Throughout my teenage years, I actively 4 plays, television shows, and movies . 42provided me with an opportu mity to explore and 43 things that I may not have had the courageto attempt in real life. One of the most significant 44 of acting was the ability to step outsideof my com for zone and transform into somone else. 45 and bold on stage.Despite this, in my everyday life, I was often plagued(困扰) by 46 and hesitance.Acting allowed me to explore different time periods and 47 . as I wore various costumes andimmersed(投入) myself in different eras and worlds. I played a variety of 48 , ranging fromalien s to ring masters, and 49 a diverse set of skills along the way.Performing was an excellent way for me to 50 my shyness and inhibitions. I gained anewfound confidence in myself and learned to be more 51 and daring. 52, after a while.I grew tired of living inside someone cls e's 53 and was ready to forge(打造) my own path.I was fortunate to have received unwavering 54 and guidance from my family, who hadalways 55 me of the importance of education and self-worth.Looking back, my time as a(n) 56 actor was a period of significant self-discovery and57 . Through acting, I gained 58 insights into myself and the world around me. I willalways be 59 for the experiences and lessons I 60 during my time in the spotlight.41. A.carried out B. participated in C.dealt with D.applied for42. A. Acting B.Dancing C.Studying D.Teaching43.A. predict B.confirm C.experience D.influence44.A.benefits B.results C.features D.rules45.A.generous B.familiar C.strange D.confident46.A.curiosity B.nervousness C.misunderstandingD.excitement47.A.groups B.ideas C.places D.approaches48.A. roles B.sports C.matches D.songs49. A. missed B.challenged C.acquired D.changed50. A. ignore B.overcome C.remove D.hide51.A. funny B.casual C.skillful D.adventurous52.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Moreover53.A, task B.story C.plan D.future54.A. persuasion B.comfort C.permission D.support55.A. cured B.reminded C.assured D.war ed56.A.emotional B.creative C.professiona i D.popular57. A.growth B.freedom C.adaptation D.satisfaction58.A.suitable B.acceptable C. flexible D.valuable59. A.eager B.sorry C.ready D.grateful


13.How much did the man spend on his camera equipment in total?A.$200. B.$300.C.$350.

15.Which of the following could be the best title of the text?D3. Be adventurous, you can make itA. More challenges, less confidenceB.D. The more outdoor play, the happiC Be self-regulated, you can't get sick
