




21.Which topic is covered in the exhibitions inside the museum?A.Magazines. B.Film. C.Travelling. D.Fitness.

25.What does the underlined phrase “racking up” in paragraph 5 probably mean?A.totaling. B.forgetting. C.winning. D.including.


27.What's the passage mainly about?A.The birth of a Kenyan woman astronomer.B.The prejudice against girls in rural Kenyan.C.The Kenyan astronomer bringing astronomy to the people.D.The Kenyan stargazers watching the Perseid meteors shower.


how far I had come. My life has been 50A.us B.used得分 评卷人Ⅶ.完形填空(共10小题:每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。peinterest is "in their blood", or that it comes naturally to them. But for me that's completely not the same.Failure is not the end but giving up is. I have always 41 this point of view. Some people say their 42Though I love to dance very much, I've never been a naturally good 43. When I started taking hip hophad done in half the time. I often felt very 44, because I couldn't seem to get my body to 45my mind.class as a kid, I had to practice for hours after class every day just to do the same moves that the other kidsAAfter a few years of this, I 46 I had tried hard enough. I felt broken-hearted and wanted to give upra eadancing. Until my 47had a talk with me, she encouraged me to work hard. One day s he told me thatI got a 48for a dance alone at our next public show! I couldn't 49 m y ears. Until then did I realizechanged since then. I felt I was doing better and better in

72.Several provinces of our country suffered from serious (干旱) , which caused____great damage to the agriculture.
